The Visual changes in Windows 7

It cannot be said that Microsoft does not listen to its consumers. They listened to the complaints that Vista received and tried to incorporate the improvements into the next release of their shiny new OS. When people started to switch over from Windows XP over to the Mac, one of the chief reasons why was because of the user interface of the machine. It was cited as being prettier and easier to use than Windows XP. Microsoft listened and tried to deliver the visual eye candy in their next release, Windows Vista. Unfortunately the job was only half way done and needed a lot of adjustments. Again Microsoft listened and delivered Windows 7. Their cleanest most visually appealing operating system yet.
When you look at Windows 7 you can tell by your first glance that it is going to be a better experience. Gone are the dark overtones that permeated with Windows Vista.  With Windows 7 the desktop is somehow more cheery than before. All without having a cheesy or kiddie look to it. You can tell that this is a modern operating system full of technical goodness. The task bar at the bottom not only is visually appealing but it also is very functional as well. It is not just there for design purposes. It allows you to place  icons on it so that you can access your programs easier. Unlike in Windows past where you would have to keep the program open for them to be on the task bar they now will stay there if you choose to pin them. This not only makes the design more pleasant to the eye but it makes it more useful as well.
The start button and functionality is not very different from Windows Vista but it seems a little less cluttered. It gives you easy access to the programs that you want while being a little quicker than it was on Vista. The control panel did not see much of an upgrade either. Again the changes are noticeable but they are little ones. Nothing much to get excited over.
Windows 7 has made big user interface changes compared to the last couple of releases of Windows. If you are coming over to Windows 7 from Windows XP then you are in for a big surprise. The interface is a huge difference between the two systems. if you are coming over from Windows Vista then you will notice a difference but a little more subtle. It is everything that you wished was better in Vista realized.
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